Thursday, 28 January 2016

Creative Writing Task 1

                   One of my earliest memories is about my grandfather. He had glittering white hair here and there. He wore a white shirt and a black pant like in a black and white film. In his hand, a gold watch sparkled in the sunlight. In a soft tone, he consoles me when I sob to go to school.  With a firm grip of my hand, he brings me to the shop nearby and buys me a treat which is chocolate, walking me to school with a huge smile.

                   A place that I used to play is the playground under my block. Children always pushing each other to play on the narrow, curvy yellow tube. The slide always populated by children made the other slide deserted. The orange coloured straight and long slide was the favourite for me. Even though it was not smooth, with many breaks in between it was always an enjoyable ride.

                   The huge wide corridor led to the small garden and the house. Being spacious, it was suitable for games. As passing by to the end of the pathway the smell of peanuts and old unwanted things enter my nostrils. With a thick dark brown wooden door, the room where peanuts and the old things were kept covered.

                   These were all my earliest memories.

 By: Khrisha Mayilsamy

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